How do I cancel an appointment?

If you no longer require an appointment, it is important that you cancel it as soon as possible. Failure to cancel an appointment before the appointment time results in it being recorded as a did not attend (DNA) appointment at your practice.

To cancel an appointment:

  1. Log in to in the usual way.
  2. Select My Appointments, and your Appointments screen is displayed.
  3. Any appointments you have booked, whether they were booked at the practice or online, are displayed. You can see the location, date, time and clinician for the appointment(s).
  4. Select the appointment you wish to cancel and click Cancel.
  5. The Cancel your appointment screen is displayed:

  6. Select a cancellation reason from the pull down list.
  7. Click Confirm.
  8. If successful, the Appointment Cancelled Successfully message is displayed. You may receive a cancellation confirmation email (depending on the preferences of your practice).
  9. If unsuccessful, the Cancel Appointment: Failed message is displayed, click Back to return to the Cancel Appointment details.
Note - Depending on the set up at your GP practice, there may be a cancellation cut off period. This prevents you from cancelling an appointments online a certain amount of time before the appointment, for example within 30 minutes of the appointment time. If a cancellation cut off is relevant and you are prevented from cancelling the appointment, you must contact your practice prior to the appointment time to cancel.
Note - When you cancel an appointment online you have a drop down list of cancellation reasons that you choose from. If you think another reason should be added please contact your surgery directly as the list is set up by your practice within their GP appointments system.
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